Lilies War holds a fireworks show every year on the second Friday night of the War.

Frequently Asked Questions:

If I am an event attendee, where should I sit?
Most attendees prefer to watch the fireworks from the grassy area of The Point above the swimming area and Fyrdraca harbor. However, some lucky folks (sitting royalty and auction winners) will get to enjoy the fireworks from the Fyrdraca (Calontir’s viking longboat).
Please do not come to the fireworks field itself.  This area must be clear of all spectators before the show begins.

If I am not an event attendee, where is the best spot to watch the show?
If you have a boat, please stay 300 feet offshore, which is about the distance between the fireworks display and the breakwater on the point.
If you are coming by car, please use the marina or any of the other Clay County facilities.  Unfortunately, we cannot allow non-attendees into Kelsey Short Youth Camp for the fireworks show.

What should I bring with me?
Your smiles of appreciation for all the volunteers that work hard all year to organize this event. Your singing voice (this IS Calontir). A period chair or blanket since no seating is provided. Your friends and family. Patience while waiting for the show to start. (Trust us, you’ll know when it begins.)

How many people attend the fireworks display?
There have been years where there are over 1000 people in attendance for the fireworks show. This includes those on the Fyrdraca, on site, and the large amount of modern local boats who fill the Calontir harbor surrounding the Lilies War grounds on the lake. Our fireworks are a well-known tradition.

How long is the display?
Generally, the fireworks are going off between 30-45 minutes. On site, there are festivities before and after the display.

Can I donate to the Lilies Fireworks Fund?
Absolutely! There is a donation jar at Gate, or you may contact the Lilies Exchequer.
Liles Fireworks are only partially funded by Lilies War.  Most of the funding for the fireworks is from donations and fundraising efforts.  Continuing this tradition depends upon you!